
Sonntag, 28. April 2013


In this intuitive Tantra Massage workshop we will learn how to draw on the body, we will give away love when we give the massage and we will feel loved when we receive it.
It is a whole body massage with its focus in the "velvet touch",  the auric passes, the technique of the conscious massage and the caresses at an energetic level.
The massage brings deep relaxation and an opening up to your own sexuality, with a self surrender that enables a self healing.
With this massage an important subject comes up: self Love: we give attention and caresses that arrive deep into the heart. How do I have to love and feel loved?
Tantra Massage is the art of refined, elegant and delicate eroticism with a clear purpose of self healing that opens a gate to the heart.

Tantra Massage is an act of Love, a dance, a creation, a flow in the movement of my hands over your body.

Learn to be a good lover.

The workshop is offered to professionals related with Tantra, masseurs and to whom it may concern the awakening of the inner sensuality and sensitivity. With this workshop the professionals will enrich their techniques.

The course is given by Kristel of Glanz Tantra & Reiki Berlin and Barcelona.
Limited availability. Book your sear at
300 Euro
Inscriptions before the 15 of May 250 Euro.

Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2013

Sonntag, 16. Dezember 2012

The meaning of Yoga

Yoga:  means union. It refers to the spiritual path that leads to the union of the Self with the higher Self or the methods and practices leading to union of individual human consciousness with the cosmic consciousness.

In the Pantajali Yoga Sutras it is describe as an eight folded path that comprises:

1. YAMA: Social virtues that are to be practiced in social relationships: honesty/truthfulness, respect for others and universal wisdom.  

2.NIYAMA: Personal virtues are austerity, self-study, cheerfulness, purity of mind (motives and intentions) and surrender to the Higher Self.

3.AASANA: It is mastery over the body. It is the ability to seat steadily and comfortably for about 45 min.

4.PRANAYAMA: Working on our breath(Prana)and nervous system(Nadi) so that the whole physiological activity comes under our control. The way we breath affects our metabolism which has an important role in the process of aging and illness. By controlling the process of breathing, we can remain young and healthy.

5. PRATYAHARA: It is judgement-free watching of thoughts placing our attention inwards, on the self. Contemplation, withdrawing from the thoughts and observing a situation in a detached manner.

6.DHARANA: It means concentration, one pointedness, one focus, which also means focussing on the light of the self.

7.DHYAANA: Meditation, the mind is focused on a chosen theme without distraction for a long period of time.

8.SAMADHI: It is the state of experiencer disappearing into the flame of experience. The world, the mind and the individual self become ONE or Shiva according to Tantra.

Samstag, 15. Dezember 2012

Reiki and Massage

Our healing sessions for your relaxation and well being are given with a deep and loving intuitive touch to heal your heart, body and soul.

  • Reiki Healings and Courses in Usui Method and Karuna.
  • Levels I, II, II –Master Level A& B
  • Classic Ayurveda Abhyanga Massage with medicinal herbal oils: vata, pita and kapha
  • Shiatsu Massage: japanese acupressure    
  • Thai Massage
  • Reflexology:  foot massage
  • Tao Massage: balances the yin and yang energy
  • Lomi Lomi Hawaiian temple Massage: fluidity movement massage
  • Intuitive Energy Massage: soft energy touch
  • Nada Session for the chakras: music therapy
  • Chakra Balance
  • Yoga
  • Yoga Nidra: the sleep of the Yoga
  • Meditation

Freitag, 14. Dezember 2012


Total union and the unfolding of enlightenment

When kundalini shakti reaches sahasrara, that is known as union between Shiva and Shkati, as sahasrara is said to be the abode of higher consciousness or Shiva.

Union between Shiva and Shakti marks the beginning of a great experience. When this union takes place, the moment of self-realization or samadhi begins.

At this point the individual man dies. I don't mean that physical death occurs; it is death of the mundane awareness or individual awareness. It is death of the experience of name and form. At this time you don't remember the 'I', the 'you' or the 'they'.

The experience, the experienced and the experiencer are one and the same. The seer, seeing and and seen are merged as a unified whole. In other words, there is no multiple or dual awareness. There is only single awareness.

When Shiva and Shakti unite, nothing remains, there is absolute silence. Shakti does not remain Shakti and Shiva is no more Shiva, both are mingled into one and they can no longer be identified as two different forces.

Every mystical and religious system of the world has its own way of describing this experience. Some have called it nirvana, others - samadhi, kaivalya, self-realization, enlightenment, communion, heaven and so on.

And if you read the religious and mystical poems and scriptures of the many cultures and traditions, you will find ample descriptions of sahasrara. However, you have to read them with a different state of consciousness to understand the esoteric symbology and terminology.

Extracted from the book Kundalini Tantra by Swami Sivananda Saraswati

Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012


Fixed gazing on one point Sit in a comfortable meditative asana, in a dark room in which there is no draught or breeze.

Place a lighted candle at eye level, directly in front of the eyebrow center, at a
distance of approximately two feet.

Make sure that the wick is perfectly straight and that the flame is motionless.
Straighten the spine, close the eyes and relax the body.

Be aware of the physical body only. Let it become as still as a statue. From this time
on you should try to keep the body absolutely motionless throughout the whole practice.

When you are prepared, open your eyes and gaze intently at the brightest part of the flame - just above the tip of the wick.

With practice you should be able to gaze at the flame for a few minutes, without
blinking or moving the eyeballs.

Continue to gaze at the flame with total concentration. The whole of your s consciousness must become centered in the flame, to the extent that awareness of the rest of the body and the room is lost.

The gaze should be absolutely fixed on one point.

When the eyes become tired (perhaps after a few minutes), or if they begin to water, close them and relax.

Do not move the body, but be aware of the after-image of the flame in front of the closed eyes.

Everyone has looked into the sun or a bright light, and on closing the eyes for a few minutes, has seen the clear impression of that light on the retina of the eye. Likewise, the after-image of the candle flame will be clearly visible.

You should practise trataka on this image, holding it directly in front or a little above the eyebrow center-As soon as it begins to fade, open the eyes again and continue to concentrate on the external candle flame.

Note: The best times to practise trataka are the dark hours of the very early morning or late at night.

At these times, the atmosphere becomes very still and quiet - not only the physical atmosphere, but the mental and psychic atmospheres also. In this stillness, success in trataka is readily attained.

Other forms of trataka Trataka can be practised on a small dot, the full moon, a shadow, a crystal ball, the nosetip, an image in water, a yantra, darkness, a shivalingam and many other things.

Those who have a personal deity can practise trataka on his or her form and those who have a guru can practise on his or her photograph. Trataka can also be practised on the rising sun, one's own image in the mirror, or the eyes of another person. These should, however, be done under the guidance of a guru, as there are certain risks involved.

There are two divisions of trataka, bahiranga (outer) and antaranga (inner).

The methods mentioned so far are all part of bahiranga trataka. Inner trataka (antaranga) is internal visualization, perhaps of a chakra, a yantra or your personal deity.

The eyes remain closed throughout. One of the best inner objects for concentration is a tiny star or point of light.

Duration: Trataka can be practised as time permits, but 15 to 20 minutes is the usual period in the beginning.

  1. Trataka has many physical, mental and spiritual benefits.
  2. Physically, it corrects eye weaknesses and certain defects such as nearsightedness.
  3. Mentally, it increases nervous stability, removes insomnia and relaxes the anxious mind.
  4. When the eyes are fixed and unmoving, the mind becomes the same.
  5. The thinking process automatically ceases as concentration increases.
  6. It brings control to the tempestuous rnind, and spiritually it awakens ajna chakra.
Extracted from the book Kundali Tantra by Swami Sivananda Saraswati

The Chakras

The literal meaning of the word chakra is 'wheel or circle', but in the yogic context a better translation of the Sanskrit word is 'vortex or whirlpool'. The chakras are vortices of psychic energy and they are visualized and experienced as circular movements of energy at particular rates of vibration. In each person there are myriads of chakras, but in the practices of tantra and yoga, only a few principal ones are utilized.

 These chakras span the full spectrum of man's being from the gross to the subtle. The chakras are physiological as well as psychic centers whose structures correspond more or less with the traditional descriptions. These nerve centers are not situated inside the spinal cord itself, but lie like junctions on the interior walls of the spinal column.
If you cut the spinal cord transversely at different levels you can see that the grey matter in the cross section resembles the lotus shape and the ascending and descending tracts of nerve fibers correspond to the nadis.
These communicating nerve fibers control the different physiological functions of that portion of the body.

Many books state that the chakras are reservoirs of power, but this is not true. A chakra is like a centrally placed electricity pole from which electrical wires are run to different places, houses and street lights in the vicinity. This arrangement is the same for each of the chakras.

 The nadis which emerge from each chakra carry prana in both directions. There is a forward and backward pranic motion in the nadis, analogous to the flow of alternating current in electrical wires. The outgoing communication and the incoming reaction enter and leave the chakra in the form of this pranic flow in the corresponding nadis. There are six chakras in the human body which are directly connected with the higher unillumined centers of the brain.

The first chakra is mooladhara.
It is situated in the pelvic floor and corresponds to the coccygeal plexus of nerves. In the masculine body it lies between the urinary and excretory openings, in the form of a small dormant gland termed the perineal body. In the feminine body it is situated inside the posterior surface of the cervix. Mooladhara is the first chakra in the spiritual evolution of man, where one goes beyond animal consciousness and starts to be a real human being. It is also the last chakra in the completion of animal evolution. It is said that from mooladhara chakra right down to the heels there are other lower chakras which are responsible for the development of the animal and human qualities of instinct and intellect. From mooladhara chakra upwards lie the chakras which are concerned with illumination and evolution of the higher man or super man. Mooladhara chakra has control over the entire range of excretory and sexual functions in man. Related to sex and ignorance and lust.

The second chakra is swadhisthana.
It is located at the lowest point or termination of the spinal cord. It corresponds to the sacral plexus of nerves and controls the unconscious in man. It is related with the fear of death and sex.

The third chakra is manipura.
It is situated in the spinal column exactly at the level of the navel. It corresponds to the solar plexus and controls the entire processes of digestion, assimilation and temperature regulation in the body. It is connected with the self-government, with the capacity to choose in Life what we want and be the masters of our Life and the ones that decided about ourselves.

The fourth chakra is anahata.
It lies in the vertebral column behind the base of the heart, at the level of the depression in the sternum. It corresponds to the cardiac plexus of nerves, and controls the functions of the heart, the lungs, the diaphragm and other organs in this region of the body.Anahata is the seat or abode of unconditional Love.

The fifth chakra is vishuddhi
It is situated at the level of the throat pit in the vertebral column. This chakra corresponds to the cervical plexus of nerves and controls the thyroid complex and also some systems of articulation, the upper palate and the epiglottis. It is connected with the capacity we have to express ourselves and communicate with others.

The sixth chakra is ajna.
The sixth and most important chakra, corresponds to the pineal gland, lying in the midline of the brain directly above the spinal column. This chakra controls the muscles and the onset of sexual activity in man. Tantra and yoga maintain that ajna chakra, the command center, has complete control over all the functions of the disciple's life. These six chakras serve as switches for turning on different parts of the brain. The awakening which is brought about in the chakras is conducted to the higher centers in the brain via the nadis. It is connected with the inner master or the power of intuition.

There are also two higher centers in the brain which are commonly referred to in kundalini yoga: bindu and sahasrara.
Bindu is located at the top back of the head, where Hindu brahmins keep a tuft of hair. This is the point where oneness first divides itself into many. Bindu feeds the whole optic system and is also the seat of nectar or amrit.
Sahasrara is supreme; it is the final culmination of kundalini shakti. It is the seat of higher awareness. Sahasrara is situated at the top of the head and is physically correlated to the pituitary gland, which controls each and every gland and system of the body.

Extracted of the book Kundalini Tantra by Swami Sivananda Saraswati

Montag, 3. Dezember 2012

The Multiorgasmic Man

Any man can become "multi-orgasmic".
It only requires a basic understanding of male sexuality and certain techniques.

 Most men’s sexuality is focused on the goal of ejaculating, rather than on the actual process of lovemaking. Once a man becomes multi-orgasmic he will not only be able to better satisfy himself, but also more effectively satisfy his partner.

 Multiple orgasm versus Ejaculatory orgasm. Both begin in the same way, moving from arousal until a point near ejaculation or "point of no return". At this point a man will experience a series of genital contractions lasting three to five seconds. These contractions are "pelvic orgasms" and at first feel like a "fluttering" or mild release of pressure. Once identified and controlled, these sensations will become progressively more intense. When approaching "the point of no return" the goal is not to crest over into ejaculation but to decrease stimulation, just long enough to gain control over the arousal rate. Effective control can be achieved by squeezing the PC muscles. Learning to control the PC muscles is essential to sexual health and stamina.

 How is multiple orgasm possible? The first key to understanding how men can have multiple orgasms is to understand that orgasm and ejaculation are distinct events, which one can learn to distinguish and separate. Most men have always accepted orgasm and ejaculation as one because they happen in such rapid succession, orgasm beginning slightly before (ejaculation) then tapering off during ejaculation. The second key to navigating the path to multiple orgasm is gaining the ability to separate orgasm and ejaculation. The ability to separate these events involves the pubococcygeal muscle, or pelvic floor muscle, or "PC muscle" as it’s more commonly known. You may know this muscle for its ability to stop the flow of urine in mid-stream. If stopping the flow is difficult, you have a weak PC muscle. If this is the case you will need to work on strengthening the PC muscle before you'll be able to have multiple orgasms. If you squeeze or contract the PC muscle you should feel like everything deep in your pelvis is being drawn upward.