
Sonntag, 16. Dezember 2012

The meaning of Yoga

Yoga:  means union. It refers to the spiritual path that leads to the union of the Self with the higher Self or the methods and practices leading to union of individual human consciousness with the cosmic consciousness.

In the Pantajali Yoga Sutras it is describe as an eight folded path that comprises:

1. YAMA: Social virtues that are to be practiced in social relationships: honesty/truthfulness, respect for others and universal wisdom.  

2.NIYAMA: Personal virtues are austerity, self-study, cheerfulness, purity of mind (motives and intentions) and surrender to the Higher Self.

3.AASANA: It is mastery over the body. It is the ability to seat steadily and comfortably for about 45 min.

4.PRANAYAMA: Working on our breath(Prana)and nervous system(Nadi) so that the whole physiological activity comes under our control. The way we breath affects our metabolism which has an important role in the process of aging and illness. By controlling the process of breathing, we can remain young and healthy.

5. PRATYAHARA: It is judgement-free watching of thoughts placing our attention inwards, on the self. Contemplation, withdrawing from the thoughts and observing a situation in a detached manner.

6.DHARANA: It means concentration, one pointedness, one focus, which also means focussing on the light of the self.

7.DHYAANA: Meditation, the mind is focused on a chosen theme without distraction for a long period of time.

8.SAMADHI: It is the state of experiencer disappearing into the flame of experience. The world, the mind and the individual self become ONE or Shiva according to Tantra.

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